Property Maintenance Code

Hillsborough County Ordinance 09-63, known as the Property Maintenance Code, provides for regulations requiring the maintenance of all structures and properties within the unincorporated areas of Hillsborough County. The intent of this ordinance is to secure the public health, safety, and welfare.

This code sets the minimum standards for dwelling units to include:

  • Heating and sanitary requirement
  • Prohibits defined nuisance conditions, such as overgrowth and inoperable vehicle
  • Provides the specific standards for swimming pool maintenance and security

This Ordinance also requires that the exterior of all residential, commercial and accessory structures be maintained to prevent decay and deterioration of the community.


Code Enforcement

Persons found to be in violation of this ordinance are provided a reasonable period of time to comply with the requirements, those who fail to do so may have their case presented to the Hillsborough County Code Enforcement Board / Magistrate where fines of up to $1,000 per day may be assessed for continued non-compliance.